Science Based, Teacher Approved
From Sounds to Spelling ® empowers Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade teachers to deliver and differentiate outstanding phonics instruction.

Systematic Scope and Sequence
Implemented through straightforward lesson plans, printable posters, and engaging student practice activities

Flexible, Leveled Materials
With differentiated student readers, sorts, and more

Embedded Professional Development Videos
To help teachers understand key phonics concepts and effectively implement the program
High Expectations Yield High Results!
In a study conducted during the 2020-2021 school year, eight teachers provided Learning at the Primary Pond with their pre and post From Sounds to Spelling ® data.
Here are the incredible results…

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From Sounds to Spelling® is used by over 4,600 educators.
100% of teachers who have been using From Sounds to Spelling ® for 3+ months stated that the program has positively impacted their students’ phonics growth.