5 Reasons Why Teachers Love From Sounds to Spelling!
If you're a teacher, you know that no curriculum or program is perfect. Every teacher and every class of students is unique, and sometimes it can be hard to find the right fit! That said, we've gotten a ton of positive feedback on the From Sounds to Spelling phonics program. Here are 5 things teachers love about the program!
#1: Ease of use.
All the materials for each week of instruction are found in one PDF. No scouring through different books or manuals - it's all there, right in one place!
#2: Engaging games and materials for students.
In addition to the lesson plans and activities for the core program, you receive extra materials that students can use as independent practice, in centers, etc.
#3: Embedded professional development.
You can watch videos to learn how to effectively use the program (and overcome challenges that arise) inside your program login area!
Many programs require additional professional development sessions. But the problem is, teachers often need help throughout the year. Also, when new teachers arrive, they have missed the professional development and may not know how to use the program effectively. The embedded PD inside From Sounds to Spelling solves this problem!
#4: Differentiation options.
While some programs may suggest ways to differentiate your instruction, From Sounds to Spelling includes actual materials for you to use!
For example, many weeks of the program include decodable texts at different difficulty levels, as well as word sorts at different difficulty levels. This makes it easier to meet the needs of ALL your students.
#5: Flexible pacing.
In the program, we guide you in how to determine when to move onto a new skill. At the end of each week, you evaluate students' progress (usually using a dictation), and use the included explanation to decide if students need more practice.
Flexible pacing means that students can truly master skills, rather than just move onto the next one (and end up with phonics gaps).
Want to find your own reasons to love From Sounds to Spelling? Grab a free trial week at this link!